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温大宋名都古风 展水浒百将风采





杭州历来享有人间天堂之美誉,上有天堂、下有苏杭,集天时地利人和于一身。古往今来, 杭城这个氤氲着水墨气息的城市,吸引着太多文人骚客留下脍炙人口的篇章。当然,烟雨杭州不止清丽的诗词歌颂,作为宋朝古都的杭州,更是充满着历史的底蕴。梁山好汉的故事在杭城广为流传,所以骨子里的杭州带着一股韧劲和坚持。在这里,每年都会有环湖越野赛。越野赛是一项极考验耐力的山地长跑耐力赛事,沿途经过美丽杭州大部分风景区,包括山间小道、水清的小溪、古木树林、远行游步道、台阶路、石板路、土路、枯叶路、碎石路、陡险山径等。



201620172018、2019、2020年,在杭州西子湖畔举行西湖群山 108 公里越野赛,创造传奇事迹,将水浒 108 将人物故事与杭州南宋文化结合,展开全新环西湖群山 108 公里概念越野赛。整个赛道以西湖群山为主线,并特意加插若干风景优美的景点路线,如虎跑、西湖等,参赛者在竞赛之余,如此风光尽收眼帘之下,并在路程中设立野猪林,武大郎烧饼铺,孙二娘包子铺等情景设定, 让整个越野赛富有更多的乐趣,同时在行进中温顾历史典故。 



1)History about the game

Hangzhou has always enjoyed a reputation as a paradise and famous for its beautiful scene.Over long times, the city of hangzhou, which is dense with ink, has attracted many literati and poets. Of course, hangzhou, which is has not only poems, but also full of history as the ancient capital of the song dynasty. The story of liang shan's brothers in song dynasty is widely circulated in hangzhou.hangzhou is a city which has a tenacity and perseverance as it born. Here, every year, there is a lake cross-country race. Motocross is an endurance test of mountain long distance endurance events, it through the most beautiful hangzhou along the scenic area, including the mountain path, the water clear brook, ancient trees, long swim trails, step road, stone, gravel, dirt, leaves road, steep trails, etc.


2)Cultural background of the race

2017, the West lake in hangzhou will host the The 2017 C'estbon Song 108 International Cross Country ,to create the legend, the stories of shuihu 108 will be combined with hangzhou southern song dynasty culture.That’s a new concept of motocross race.Mountains to the west lake will be as the main line, the whole track and deliberately will be inserted several scenic spots, such as Hupao and the West lake.The participants can enjoy in the race, the game will set up a wild boar forest in the distance, and Wu da lang baked wheat cake shop, and Sun er niang’s costs scenarios.To make the whole motocross rich more fun, at the same time temperature from historical allusions in the travel. 

With the unique features of theme innovation, service refinement, culture and sports integration, The 2017 C'estbon Song 108 International Cross Country Competition is selected into the West Lake Expo and the World Leisure Expo project. The West Lake Expo has always been an important event of cultural communication in hangzhou and an important display platform for the international level of the city. The World Leisure Expo has been widely influenced on the global scale. On these international arenas, the song 108 will display the most dynamic and healthy hangzhou style. 

With the professional skill of the field of cross - game, song 108 passed the authentication of the international authoritative organization ITRA (known as the "world mountain trail running association"). Based on distance, average elevation and the period of maximum climbing track, and finally finished the contestant must have these three indicators off-road capability objectively rigorous assessment, DaSong 108 become one part of ITRA integral events. The runners in the 108-kilometer group will get the 6 points and the 50 km team will get the 3 points and the 25-km team will get 1 points in ITRA.
